Picture Repair:

Clips held parts of the picture together (sellotape had been used to keep tie section in place).

CJB Image is proud to offer a the service of photo digitisation and restoration. With over 18 years experience in photographic image work, it is possible to bring back, even very damaged cherished photographs. Its amazing what could be restored! Even if parts of the picture are missing -they could be restored. Fading, water damage, chemical deterioration, even tears can be reversed. I also understand how precious your pictures are to you, and you can be sure, your pictures will be handled with the greatest care. Best of all, its not as expensive as you may think. It could even be a very special gift for some one. Why not call me, or email me, and see what I can do for you and your important pictures. I look forward to hearing from you. Call or text: 07952214043
Himalayan Panorama
The Himalayan panorama is an example of a large restoration work. Here the image was put together out of a mixture of 1950’s negatives and various prints, to produce the final 8foot long by 1 foot wide specialised magnificent final print.
Digitising Precious Images:
CJB Image digitalization service offers to digitize all your old photographs, scanning them at high resolution and formatting them properly, in any order designated by you. Part of the service includes ‘freshening up’ –bringing color back up and generally revitalizing pictures where needed. Any pictures that may need repair are noted, and I will come back to you to see if you what them repaired. Once done. All your digitalized photographs are then put on a disk or USB stick, and returned to you with all your original pictures safely. You can then put them on your computer or mobile devices, arrange, enlarge and use them however you wish.
Contact me by email: carl@designcarljbar.com
Or by phone, text or call: 07952214043
Image Formatting:
Example 1 CJB commercial image formatting service: Andrew Crummy (Tapestry of Scotland), Commissioned me to do formatting work on a large important Wall mural in Prestonpans. The mural had deteriorated badly from the weather over the years. A photograph had been taken of the mural a little while after it had been completed. The image was then processed to freshen and bring up the colour and detail, then scaled digitally to the same large scale of the original mural and the image resolution resolved for printing. before finally processed for large format printing on all weather canvas. The advantage is that the mural can now be refreshed and renewed over time. You can see the ’Salt Mural’ today on Prestonpans High Street near the sea East Lothian.
Example 2: To commemorate the first the 1st important aerial battle of World War II over Britain, in which radar was first used and there was the first POW’s of the war amongst many other firsts. I was commissioned to photograph an oil painting of a Spitfire flying over the Firth of Forth. Although the painting was behind the glass, studio lighting resolved reflectivity and other problems. The studio photograph/Image was then scaled up to about two a half times its original size. Then the image was prepared for large format giclee art printing. Finally the image is now a centrepiece for an exhibition in the atrium of The Pat Gifford DFC Building, just off the High Street, east Prestonpans. -You can find out more about the history of the battle at: http://spitfire-project.com/index.html
Retouching and Montage:

Perhaps you have an image but need it for another use. Or you have an image but there are elements in it you need changing, people, objects, and environment can all be changed and moved around. Look again at the home page river picture –there is no river running through the center of Edinburgh. Imagine what I could do for your images.
Contact me by email: carl@designcarljbar.com
Or by phone, text or call: 07952214043